

Chapter1-Introduction to Entrepreneurship

-这个科目是学来练习frea market economy
-在 free market economy,创业者是key players或者提供者生产,传送或者贩卖产品和服务额给消费者
-他们的能力是调动和分配资源去最适合的商机和市场需求,使企业家成为最有效的分配者在free market economy
  • Definitions of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur
-Entrepreneurship创业:activity of setting up a business or businesses ,and taking on financial risks in the hope of making profit
-“创业者entrepreneur”起初被一个Frenchman叫Richard Cantillon(1775)
-当时的意思是‘a person who undertakes to do a job'承诺做工作的人 '
-Adam Smith(1776)觉得创业者是一个agent in transforming demand into supply(一个agent转换需求成为供应)
-Jean-Baptiste Say(1803)觉得创业者是who shifts resources from an  area of low productivity to high productivity(将资源从低生产率领域转移到高生产率领域)
-John Stuart Mill(1848)觉得创业者是a primer mover in private enterprise economic activities where an entrepreneur is fourth factor of production ,after land,labour and capital(民营企业经济活动中的一种投资者,企业家是第四生产要素,在土地、劳动力和资本之后)
-Carl Menger(1871)觉得创业者是an economic agent who transforms resources into products and services and gives added value(将资源转化为产品和服务并创造附加值的经济代理人)
-Ibnu Khaldun(Abdul Rahman Mohamed  Khaldun)觉得是a knowledgeable and skilled individual craftsman(一个知识渊博和熟练的个体工匠)来协助城市的发展
-Joseph Schumpeter(早期1900)他觉得创业者是innovator who introduced new innovation to replace old products or old ways of doing things(引入新创新以取代旧产品或旧做事方式的创新者)
  • Entrepreneurial Process
-Timmons Model of Entrepreneurial Process 最好的4大必要components在创业:
-创业者和他的团队将会有一套可行的offering 给顾客使用他们有的资源。

  • Characteristics and Attributes of Entrepreneurs
Eg:Steve Jobs of Apple
-common characteristics:
。creative,innovative,resourceful and possess high level of initiative
。willingness to work hard to achieve aspired objectives with a high degree of commitment,determination,perseverance,tenacity and discipline
。Ability to take calculated risk ,exhibit tolerance for ambiguity and ability to accept failure
。possess ability to think independently ,exhibit high level of self-confidence,optimistic and believe in controlling one's own denstiny
。opportunity orientation towards futura goals,aspiration and vision
。skilful organizer,ability to manage and solve problems
。communicative and persuasive ability to influence others
  • Types of Entrepreneurship
  • Summary




